Ha! I have a new obsession... Keeping up with the Kardashians on E!

Right so an update. I haven't written for a few days because really there has been nothing to report. I am getting more bend on my leg each day and straightening it is getting easier. If I put my hand under my knee I can definitely feel my leg pushing down.
Last night I was doing bending and straightening before I went to sleep (its easier to do it in bed) and I noticed some pain under my knee, I was worried because the doctor had told me about the risk of blood clots and I was worried that it might be one, but I have no idea what that would feel like and I think for the moment its just that I have pulled the muscle. I don't know. Last night it seemed harder to bend and straighten my leg, and again this morning, I think its just stiff.
Also, I thought about saving some of my codeine tablets for when I have physio so it didn't hurt afterwards, so I was just taking paracetamol but then I was getting sharp pains in my knee. It wasn't fun. Today I took one this morning and one before I go to bed and see how I go. I don't really know if I'm in pain, or if its just uncomfortable. And my stitches are really really really itchy, which means they are healing, but its so annoying not being able to look at them! I have sort of rolled the bandage down a bit and there is quite a lot of blood on one of the small incisions, but they don't have proper sticthes. Hmmm, its annoying not being able to look. Ooh, and here is an exciting bit of news... The doctor told me that sometimes a little area under your knee goes numb - something to do with the nerves getting affected whilst they are operating. Anyway, I have said numbness... its very odd, and its under my bandage so I can't investigate it properly yet, but yes, there is quite a big area that is numb. I have read in other blogs that sometimes this feeling comes back so we'll just have to wait and see.

Erm, so yes, thats it really... nothing else knee related to report. Just a bit more pain, and I just want to get the stitches out. Urgh. This is my leg at the moment (please note my lovely sparkly socks)!
In other news I am BORED out of my skin... A lot, utterly and 100% extra bored.
I had my hair cut. This is good.
I am hearing reports from my school where I was in charge of the lower school Christmas production. Well it would appear that all my fabulous plans have been ruined! Urgh. No dance to Dolly Parton? What sort of Nativity will this be????? ;o)
Ooh... and I got some lovely flowers from some family friends... they are pink and lovely.

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