Sunday, 3 February 2008

Step it up a notch...

Tomorrow I start my exercise class at the physio gym... I'm excited, how sad am I? Very is the answer! My main concern is what to wear!

I had a clinic appointment on Thursday and didn't see my consultant, I saw one of his "team". Who didn't seem to know too much about, well, anything really! He said something along the lines of it being too early to tell if my knee is good, I don't think I really got him but he didn't seem bothered, said that the ligament is good because it's not too tight or too loose. I asked him if I could drive and he said yes because you mainly use your ankle to drive!! That was lost on me but I went out for a drive on Thursday and it was fine. The reason Georgie had been reluctant to let me is because when you do an emeregency stop you straighten your leg fully which is dangerous to the new ligament, but when I push the clutch down all the way, I don't fullen extend my leg. So I guess I'll be just fine.


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